The new family member!

This is "insert name here"! She is a three month old Heeler puppy. Very smart!

Brand New Katahdin Lambs

We have had fifteen lambs in the month of December. These two we call our "Holstein Lambs" because of their black and white markings. They are adorable!

Recycled Quilt Ornaments

What a great way to re-use a worn out family quilt. Cut out the desired shape(s), blanket stitch around the edge and embellish with buttons.

photo from Cre8tive Compass Magazine

Mason Jar Organizer

I came across this Mason Jar Organizer today and thought that it's adorable and creative. It wouldn't be hard to make and could be used in a number of places.

Snow on Christmas

Mark and I went for a walk on the farm and into our woods. This is a picture of part of our back pasture. We got 5" of snow!  That is quite a bit for Kentucky. It was nice to have a White Christmas.

Christmas in Kentucky

While so many homes are getting ready for Christmas morning, with children and presents, food and family.  We are spending it very quietly. Our four children are now grown and far away. We will eat breakfast and talk to all of our Grandchildren on the phone to see what Santa brought them.

We'll feed the animals and I think that since it is supposed to snow, we may go for a walk in the woods.  There is something about being in the woods with the snow softly falling that is so calming. You hear nothing but your breath and the crunch of the snow and leaves beneath your feet.

We hope that your Christmas is everything that you want it to be and that you find peace and prosperity in the new year.

Deborah and Mark